What we do

Supporting diverse infrastructure projects

Empowering diverse sectors' infrastructure projects by delivering specialised property services, spanning telecommunications, renewable energy, utilities and more

Property acquisition

Our team has long-standing knowledge and the expertise to guide you through the complex process of the acquisition of property and planning rights for infrastructure deployment. We will work with you to identify and evaluate potential candidates, carry out due diligence, negotiate with landowners and any other parties with an interest in the land, and finalise the purchase, lease, registration of easement or statutory right of occupation.

Project management

On time, on budget and on brand, we work closely with our clients and communities to ensure the project’s financial and timeframe targets are met while carefully considering the impact on the community and therefore the client’s brand.

Lease management

We understand our clients requirements are constantly evolving. We work with you to ensure your lease arrangements are in your best interests and that your stakeholders are engaged and satisfied. Our services include negotiating lease terms, managing relationships, leading the tough conversations and ensuring compliance with lease agreements.

Community engagement

We have expertise in communicating information to the communities we work in. We understand you can’t make everyone happy but we strive to ensure the correct and relevant information is proactively provided to all stakeholders. We support the outcomes of our decisions.

Tailored approach

At acquisition+ we recognise that each client possesses unique requirements, which is why we work closely with you to customise our services to align with your distinct needs and objectives.

To discover more about how we can assist you in reaching your goals related to property acquisition, projects, and lease management, contact us today.